Vakantiepark Hellendoorn



In the official school vacations, our recreation team organizes small-scale animation for children up to 10 years old, such as:


Chocolates workshop
bij Twente Decadente

Our neighbors, Twente Decadente, host chocolate workshops. Enjoy messing around with chocolate. This workshop takes one hour, sign up at the reception. You go on your own to Twente Decadente, we have a nice walking route to get there, about 2 km.

Heksen Tover Bingo
bij Tante Soof

Laat je in de herfstvakantie meeslepen in een spannend Bingospel waarbij de heksen en griezels samen met jou en/of je ouders Vakantiepark Hellendoorn doorkruisen op zoek naar de onzichtbare Bingo posters. De heksen lopen rond om samen met jou dit opwindende spel te spelen.

Craft Boxes

Free craft boxes are available at the reception so you can always do crafts in the bungalow. The boxes are equipped with pencil case, scissors, glue, pencil sharpener, eraser, folding paper, sticker and craft materials. The box may be returned the next day. Will you show us the beautiful crafts?

Kids Bingo

At vacation park Hellendoorn a children's bingo is also organized, with fun prizes! The cost is €1.50 per round.
New playground equipment

Out and about with the forest ranger

A real forester will go out with you to show you all the beautiful spots of the forest. From the park you walk directly into the forest. Use your senses to get in touch with the beautiful nature in a different way. About 1.5 hours you walk through the forest and the route is about 2 km. Fun outing for the whole family.

Covered wagon 't Vossenspan

We organize covered wagon rides for the whole family in cooperation with 't Vossenspan at Haarle. Boarding the covered wagon at the park a for a beautiful trip through the surroundings of Hellendoorn. Along the way a stop for a drink! Definitely recommended for a fun outing with the family.

Varen met de Enterse Zomp

Op 25 juli, 1, 8, 15 en 22 augustus vaart de Enterse Zomp speciaal voor u onze gast en gasten van Natuurcamping Eelerberg. Kaartjes zijn vooraf te koop bij de receptie. De boot vertrekt achter de Ben & Jerry's Fabriek. Graag aanwezig om 18.45 uur

Tante Stoof Instuif

Every Sunday afternoon from 2:30 - 4 p.m. there is an Tante Stoof party. Fun games are played in the playroom and when the weather is nice we play at the playground.

Treintje Bello

Treintje Bello is een wegtreintje dat rijdt in de gemeente Hellendoorn op 30 juli, 6, 13 en 20 augustus. U kunt zelf reserveren via maar ook aan onze balie. Voor de ochtendtrein kiest u 09.30 uur en middag 14.00 uur U kunt opstappen op ons park. Ochtendtrein om 10.15 uur en u bent weer terug om 13.00 Middagtrein om 15.15 en u bent weer terug om 18.00 uur.

Learn about our other facilities: